Industry Development and Community Support

Training the master craftspeople of tomorrow
Open Projects Group has formed on-going, exciting relationships with TAFE Queensland and the Australian Industry Trade College which includes apprentice training, school-based apprentice training, Recognition of Prior Learning accreditation and up-skilling.
Students begin work experience programs to choose which trade they would like to pursue. With the diversity at OPG, they get a first hand look at a large-scale business and the opportunity to discuss trade paths, their options and witness the nuts and bolts of our operations. Combined with hands-on learning from our master tradespeople, OPG trained apprentices have been consistent award winners in engineering, shopfitting and cabinet making.
We are also proud supporters of our local community. Management and staff frequently partake in fundraising events such as Vinnies CEO Sleepout, to help the people in our region live their best life.

Tell me more!
If you'd like to know more about
training and apprenticeship programs at
Open Projects Group, email your enquiry to: recruitment@openprojects.com.au